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Why I Stopped Eating Gluten Free

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Are you eating gluten free? Or have you wondered if you should? Today I’m at Kitchen Stewardship sharing my story about why I was eating gluten free…and then stopped. And why I’m thankful for wheat!

Why I Stopped Eating Gluten Free | Just Take A Bite

Some people think eating gluten free is a fad. Some say you only need to avoid gluten if you have an allergy.

At the opposite end of the spectrum are the people that think all grains should be avoided by everyone for good health and for autoimmune conditions. The word “wheat” makes them cringe. I ate that way for a while on GAPS but found out the hard way it wasn’t for me.

Then there are those in the middle that are eating gluten free due to celiac disease, hypothyroidism, allergies, digestive impairment and a host of other health ailments. Or simply to try to feel better.

Me? I fall in the middle.

How it all started.

I started eating gluten free when I was struggling with infertility and hypothyroidism.

All of my kids have allergies. So I cut out gluten as part of our effort to heal their bodies. We have all been eating gluten free for quite a few years now.

This decision has had a big impact on my children’s behavior and ability to focus. Once or twice a year I give them a small amount of gluten to see how their bodies are doing. So far they still react very strongly. My son literally goes crazy. My daughter seems like she is in another world.

I truly love gluten free living and enjoy cooking and baking gluten free foods. I’ve got tons of gluten free recipes here.

Why I Stopped Eating Gluten Free | Just Take A Bite I used to eat gluten free...but now I don't. Wheat has literally been a life saver for me and my daughter.

What went wrong.

Then along came baby number three last year. And things got a little crazy.

Head over to Kitchen Stewardship where I’m sharing what happened that led me back to eating gluten and why I’m very thankful for wheat. It truly has been a life saver.


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  1. Verity says:

    I completely agree that people need to eat what works for them, and NOT whatever the latest fad is. My hubby gets violently ill if he gets into gluten, so I have a mostly gluten free kitchen, and do only gluten free baking. But I can eat gluten, so I keep bread and cookies and such around for myself. I advocate trying things, but not being legalistic about it, either towards yourself or towards others. Everyone is different and has different needs. I’m thrilled you’ve been working out what works for your baby!

    On another note, I’ve just found your blog and quite a few of the links seem to be broken with references to voogtrecipes.blogspot.com, which is making it difficult to explore! I can fix them by deleting the reference to voogtrecipes, but it’s awkward 🙂

    • Thanks for the heads up, Verity!! I’ll have to see about fixing the links. That was my original site a LONG time ago 🙂

      I love to hear stories like yours of people really listening to their own bodies and own needs.

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