Are you getting sick of salads yet? I’m not! I could eat salad every single day all year round…if my tummy would let me.
I love how you can create something different every time you make a salad. I love to use all sorts of random leftovers to make salads.
But this is not a post on what to put in your salad. I’ll leave that up to you. This is about how to put dressing on your salad very quickly.
I don’t mean pour bottled dressing on. Even organic dressings are usually made with processed vegetable oils. This is how to dress a salad with healthy ingredients when you don’t have any dressing made. It takes longer to take the ingredients out than it does to dress the salad!
As a busy mom I love making salads for lunch. But I get sick of always making dressing when I want a salad or even making a batch of dressing every few days. I like lots of dressing so I seem to run out quickly, and my kids don’t like to give me much time to make myself food. This is how I dress my salad now. I used honey mustard dressing as an example since it’s my favorite. But this would work with others as well.
There is no need to pre-mix the dressing. Just add the ingredients to your salad and toss! It’s so easy.
For honey mustard I squeeze on mustard, then honey, then extra virgin olive oil. Then I mix my salad as always. Easy. Healthy. And completely delicious!
The next time you are craving a salad and don’t have dressing on hand try this trick. For honey mustard simply add honey, mustard and olive oil. You can also add a splash of apple cider vinegar if you like. For ranch add sour cream, buttermilk and some seasoning. Are you an italian fan? Drizzle some olive oil, seasoning and a splash of vinegar on your salad.
The possibilities are endless. And you can have an assortment of salads all year that only take seconds to dress.