When I started my journey towards eating Real Food, it all sounded so overwhelming. I started by reading Nourishing Traditions. It has so much information. And I knew I didn’t have much time to get my eating on track. So I had to jump head first into a lot of change. Thankfully I am a very determined person and do not give up on things easily. So this did not deter me. But I know that is not the case for everyone. So I wanted to come up with a list of some simple things you can do to start eating better. You can do one at a time or a bunch together. Whatever works. But each one individually is fairly simple. And might make the process easier if you tackle one at a time. Once it becomes part of your life try another one.
Simple Steps Towards Eating Real Food
* Replace vegetable oils with real butter, coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil.
* Experiment with soaking grains by using recipes that give specific instructions.
* Take fermented cod liver oil/butter oil daily (Green Pastures)
* Eat probiotic food daily (fermented food, yogurt, kefir) and/or take a supplement. Eating some full fat yogurt daily is an easy way to start.
* Replace white flour with whole wheat flour.
* Replace white/brown/powdered sugar with raw honey, real maple syrup or pure cane sugar.
* Use full fat dairy products.
* Replace pastuerized, homogenized milk with pastuerized, non-homogenized. (For those living in MI, Mooville Creamline is a great choice). If possible use raw milk.
* Do not eat a vegetarian diet. Quality meat is essential for proper nutrition.
* Eat good quality eggs often. Eat the yolks raw or runny when possible for the most nutrition.
* Eat organic produce when possible. Avoid anything grown with pesticides, fertilizers, chemicals, etc. Visiting the local farmer’s market in the summer is a great way to get quality produce. Use it fresh and preserve it for the winter.
* Eat seafood regularly.
* Replace cereal with other healthy breakfast foods.
* Avoid using the microwave.
* Replace plastic food storage containers with glass containers.
Great list! Thanks for sharing. 🙂