Good morning. One more week to get things done before Christmas. How are you doing? I finished my shopping yesterday and got my cards mailed. I’m glad to check those off my list. Now it’s on to baking goodies and wrapping presents. All the final details.
Last week was a bit rough since Abram did not sleep well at all. Poor kid is teething so badly. It’s rare that he doesn’t have a finger or a toy in his mouth trying to get some comfort. Abram not sleeping = Mommy not sleeping πΒ Not good for any of us. Thankfully last night was a good night. I feel much more rested this morning. Aside from the sleep issues we had some rough days with Rebecca as well. It evenΒ showed up in her behavior at school…first time the teacher has had to talk to me. But on a positive note I am learning a few things that have a big impact on her behavior. So hopefully making some simple changes will help. She also had her first session with the speech therapist. I’m so excited to see the impact of this treatment. I think Rebecca is too.
This week is shaping up to be quite busy. In addition to our usual activities we have aΒ few very anticipated doctor visits. I’ll finally be seeing a new doctor to hopefully help me get more insight on what’s going on in my body. And Rebecca is meeting with another specialist. Then we will hopefully have a better plan of action for her/see if we get any kind of diagnosis. We are also meeting with the speech therapist again tomorrow. This week we have our last day of Kindermusik. It’ll be nice to have a little break. When we start up later in January both kids will be in it! I hope Abram likes it as much as his sister. This week we have co-op pick up and Justin has worship team. Friday is also Rebecca’s Christmas party. I’ll be going to that while Justin is home with Abram…on vacation πΒ Friday we have MomBreak as well. And we need to get to the grocery store. Our fridge is bare! I hope the kids can keep up with this crazy week.
Inbetween all of our running around I haveΒ a lotΒ to get done at home. I’ve been working diligently on my sewing project. I’m ALMOST done. I will finish it this week πΒ I need to make cookies for Rebecca’s Christmas party. Our freezer stock of baked goods is getting low. So I might work on some breakfast baked goods. I need to get going on some of our Christmas baking (more flavored oreos, maybe peppermint stick ice cream). And Rebecca wants to make homemade candy bars and kit-kat bars. We’ll see if we have time for it. I need to make yogurt and kefir. And I’d like to make a new loaf of yeast free bread for myself.
The end of last week was a bit rough for me. The lack of sleep definitely made a difference. But I also had a big response to something I ate. I think it was fennel…but I’m not totally sure. It came the day after I ate 9 different veggies in one day πΒ Smart move. It could also have been from mushrooms. Those are two things I rarely eat/were out of the ordinary. I do know that since then my usual symptoms have come on strong. The cystic acne/oily dull skin, eye pain, a whole host of things that I now know aren’t just random annoyances. They all come on together as a response in my body to something I ate and/or did. So that kicked off some bad inflammation and pain. The next day I tried a few nuts. Poor timing. Then I ate a fair amount of olives, cheese and yeast yesterday which bothered me as well. So it was a combination of poor sleep, an inflammatory response to something I ate, too much yeast and not rotating foods much (I think I’ve eaten avocado every day for 5 or 6 days now). Now I have to wait it out again to return to “normal.” I was also not rotating food as well. I was getting variety…but I was getting a lot of the same variety each day. So one day I would eat 9 veggies…then I had to repeat many of the same ones the next day and the next. Eating a large variety of veggies each day is healthy, but maybe I should stick to only a few so I can rotate them more easily. Especially when it’s grocery week and we don’t have many left.
I’ve been reading Eat For Heat. So much great information. And it’s helping me learn better what works for me and how I should eat throughout the day. I need to start my day with plenty of food, including lots of salt and saturated fat. I also need to have enough carbohydrates and not drink too much. Later in the day I can eat lighter and have a little more fluid. And not eat a huge amount before bed. This will keep me warm and keep my metabolism running well. A good breakfast for me is vegetables sauteed in lots of butter with sea salt and some yeast free bread with butter and salt. Then for dinner I can ease up on the fat and salt and eat something like salad or raw veggies.
One key thing that Matt Stone says in his book is that to eat for heat you need the four S’s: salt, sugar, starch and saturated fat. And you need it at the right time of day for you. For some this is early in the day (like me). For some it’s later in the evening.
I struggled a bit with meal planning this week. I have yet to fill in a couple spots. And we aren’t sure yet what our plans for Saturday are, so that is still TBD. I’ll hopefully fill in the rest soon. I am hopingΒ to get a little extra broth in my diet this week. And I’ll have to fill in my vegetables each day. I’ll have moreΒ options after I get to the store. What are you eating this week? Any good new recipes you’ve tried lately? Do you need a big breakfast to keep you going all day or do you prefer to start your day off light?
S (sewing, church, make yeast free bread, makeΒ chocolates, make caramels,Β prep smoothies,Β soak beans, soak flour)
Β B – french toast casserole, cheesy scrambled eggs (J), squash, broth, butter, peas, avocado, egg yolk, vanilla waferΒ (M)
Β L –Β tomato noodle soup, grilled cheeseΒ (J), broth with butter, salt, peas,squash, breans, vanilla waferΒ (M)
Β D – leftover pizza, crispy fennelΒ (J), broth w/ butter, salt, peas, zucchini,Β yeast free bread w/ butter (M)
M (cook beans,Β bake scones, sewing, SP, PS, Dr. A.)
Β B – smoothie,Β soaked date sconesΒ (J), sauteed brussels sprouts, soaked date scone (M)
Β L – pizza, soup (J),Β brussels sprouts, pinto beans, olives, soaked date sconeΒ (M)
Β D – pesto rice and beans, peas, peaches, garlic toast
T (make yogurt, skim cream,Β KM)
Β B – yogurt, granola, fruit (J), broth w/ pesto rice, peas, beansΒ (M)
Β L –Β at workΒ (J), broth w/ pesto rice, peas, brussels sprouts, beansΒ (M)
Β D – baked white fishΒ w/ tartar sauce, broccoli, french fries
W (prep dinner, make hot fudge,Β Meijer, PS, make ice cream, co-op, WT, make cookie dough, sewing)
Β B – smoothie, date sconesΒ (J),Β raw brussels sprouts w/Β pesto, date sconeΒ w/ butter (M)
Β L –Β pesto rice and beansΒ (J), yogurt w/ cereal, sugar snap peas(M)
Β D – (separate) – hamburger corn bake, carrots, applesauce (J),Β cucumber, avocado, pinto beans, raisins w/ honey mustard (w/ extra egg yolk)Β (M)
Th (bake cookies, roast beets, chop veggies, Dr. M., make chocolate covered pretzels, make frosting, sewing)
Β B – waffle, bananaΒ (J), sugar snap peas, avocado, bread w/ butterΒ (M)
Β L –Β hot dog, carrots, tator totsΒ (J), vegetables cooked in broth, egg yolk (M)
Β D – leftover casserole, beans, fruit (J), broth w/ pesto rice, veggies and egg yolk (M)
F (chop fruits and veggies, freeze butter,Β MB, PS/party)
Β B –Β waffle (J),Β sugar snap peas, pineapple, bread w/ butterΒ (M)
Β L – hot dogs or leftovers (J),Β sautted beets, beet greens, broccoli, avocado w/ egg yolk and cheeseΒ (M)
Β D – cinnamon cranberryΒ rice, fried eggs (just yolk for me), toast,Β roasted cauliflower, fruit
S (clean, bake bread, family gathring)
Β B – banana bread, fruit (J), sugar snap peas, cucumber, bread w/ butter (M)
Β L – hot dogs (J), sauteed veggies w/ egg yolk (M)
Β D – w/ family
Ack! Christmas is coming up fast! I got our cards mailed last week, too. I’ve wrapped about 75% of the gifts I’ve bought and am hoping to get some more done this evening. And there is an Amazon shipment arriving Wednesday with some things I will need to wrap. I still need to buy two more small things, though. Then I think I am done shopping… Finally! I still need to do more baking, though.
Good luck at your appointments this week! I can’t wait to hear about them.
Is this Rebecca’s first school party? We have Carson’s preschool Christmas party on Friday, as well.
Just curious, what kind of olives do you usually buy? I have found that I actually like some black olives… When they are in/on things, at least. I still don’t like them just plain/on their own. But I’ve only had them from a can… And they were just store-brand.
Are Matt Stone’s books e-books or regular books that you can hol in your hands? I was thinking of getting one for my friend Sara in Colorado. Not sure which one to start off with, though.
Yes, this is Rebecca’s first party. It’s nothing major. One parent comes for the last 45 min. of class. I’m bringing sugar cookies…I still have to figure out how I’m decorating them! Frosting or icing? Store bought or homemade?
I know it’s best to buy olives in glass jars but we always buy Lindsay’s natural olives at Meijer. They are canned. But they are just olives in water and salt. Nothing else. And it’s nice to have one thing that’s easy. We are really struggling getting Abram to eat any vegetables right now. But he can polish off half a can of olives in one sitting sometimes. I don’t like the idea of BPA. But it is what it is. I used to hate olives. Now I love them. Part of my changing tastes w/ changing diet.
Matt’s books are just e-books. I soooo wish they were regular books. I hate having to read things on the computer. I like to read when I bike. And I like to have a quick reference that I can glance at any time. But I don’t intend to print them π
I’d say the top 2 books are Diet Recovery and Eat for Heat. It depends what you want them for, though. For someone that is a chronic dieter, wants to make a big change in how they think about food I’d say Diet Recovery. Once you’ve changed your mindset about food then Eat for Heat is good to give more specifics on how to get your metabolism going. All his books are 50% off through the end of Dec. Great deal!
If you want some of the info that is in Eat for Heat you can check out some of Matt’s posts on 180 Degree Health and Ray Peat’s work (the basis for a lot of his stuff).
I’m guessing for Sara you’d want Diet Recovery. I only have 3 of his books (180 Degree Digestion is the 3rd), so I can’t speak to the others. If you’re interested I bet you’d enjoy Eat for Heat. I think my dad could use Diet Recovery as well.
Definitely looking forward to the appts. I have mine today. I want to get some more things figured out. I hate these inflammatory reactions I have. I’ve gained 2 lbs. in 2 days from it. Not cool π Hopefully things settle back to normal soon. I feel so puffy and gross.