I know October is a little late…but better late than never. It’s time to revisit my 2014 goals and see how things are going. Since I didn’t actually post the goals until March I guess it’s not too bad to give an update now.
1. Get Back To The Basics With Nutrition.
I definitely got back on track in the summer. It was so nice to have a break from school snacks and treats at every event my children attend. I hate being bombarded with food and snacks that my kids don’t need and aren’t healthy.
I also made big improvements after the morning sickness was over. After that the packaged food was gone.
Now we are back on track with filling up on nourishing foods and sneaking in extra good stuff whenever possible. Yes, it’s back to school and activities. But I’m still staying focused on proper nutrition to keep my kids feeling their best.
I’m still working on healing for my little guy. So I need to keep this a priority.
2. Simplify and de-clutter my house and my life.
This was a big one for me. I did a major overhaul on most of the house in my pre-baby house makeover. It is so much easier to keep the house functional now. Of course things still get messy. But the clutter isn’t so bad. And it’s pretty easy to get things back in order.
I’ll be honest – I’d love to get rid of more stuff. But all in good time.
3. Make relationships a priority.
As usual this was my toughest goal. It’s especially hard when you are sick and after having a new baby. I do try to get out with friends once in a while. But it’s definitely a challenge for me. And something I will continue to work on.
My husband and I didn’t get to go on as many dates as I would have liked. But we did squeeze in a few outings before baby.
4. Work on myself.
Reading back through the details of this goal I don’t feel like I accomplished too much. I still need to work on being a better example for my children.
I did keep my thyroid levels steady this year. I also know what my body needs for balanced nutrition. Sleep is not something I can control too much right now. But before baby I was getting 7-9 hours each night/day. And I do my best to keep my body moving in relation to my other health aspects.
Even postpartum I’m doing pretty well. My body temperature is still staying between 97.8 and 98.6 degrees F! I try to nap every day to make for a bit of lost sleep at night. I’m just starting to get back to exercise. I try to walk or bike a little each day and will gradually increase as my body heals and I am able to sleep more.
I can’t say I did that much reading this year. But I did do some. Baby steps.
5. Focus on my writing.
For the first time in a long time I feel like I really made great progress on my writing/blogging. I got my site updated. I was constantly coming up with new recipes and ideas. I was posting about 4 times a week. It was fun!
Obviously baby slows things down a bit. But I still have my passion and drive. So I’ll keep working.
6. Word for the year – LOVE.
I have been focusing on love all year. I am trying to love unconditionally. I am the kind of person that gets annoyed easily and focuses on faults (both my own and those of others). It’s not a characteristic I like. But I’m trying to let go of that stuff and truly love people.
I’m also amazed every day by God’s love for me. Whether it’s a scripture verse, a thoughtful drawing from my daughter or sweet baby snuggles, God is showing me his love every day.
My main goals for the year were to simplify and love. Neither is a goal that will ever be complete. But I’m working on them every day.
Did you make goals for yourself this year? How are you doing?