I’ve been on a nut frenzy lately 😛 I’ve been trying all different kinds of nuts. Right now we have crispy walnuts, almonds, pecans, cashews, brazil nuts, hazel nuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts and sunflower seeds in our house. I love having a big variety to snack on and use in recipes. And it’s fun to try new kinds. I figured I’d update my cirspy nut recipes with the ones I’ve made recently. Same method as usual.
Crispy Brazil Nuts
4 cups raw brazil nuts
1 Tbsp. unrefined sea salt
filtered water
Soak nuts in salted water for at least 7 hours. Drain. Dry in dehydrator or oven set to 150 for 12 – 24 hours. I found that the brazil nuts took longer than 24 hours because they are so big/thick.
I’ve been thinking about trying some brazil nuts for a bit now… I’ve never had them. What are they similar to?
Hmmm. Can’t really say they are similar to anything. They are pretty mild nuts. Not a strong flavor. Not at the top of my list, but still good.