Wow, the middle of July already! I feel like the first half of my summer is kind of a blur and I’m just coming out of the fog. Last week was pretty insane too. Justin worked very late every night. We pretty much didn’t see him. I had to play Mom-Dad. And the kids were hyped up on antibiotics. So I’m worn out. I hope this week is a little better.

This week should be a little less busy than last week. Rebecca has soccer camp 4 afternoons. We need to make a stop at the library and the farmer’s market. We ordered tart cherries that need to be picked up this week. If Justin is home at normal time on Monday I finally have a chance to get out of the house and speak to other adults 😛 The monthly West Michigan Bloggers meeting is that evening. There is a chance we could meet up with my SIL, nephew and niece for a playdate. And there is a chance Justin and I could go on a date to celebrate our 10th anniversary. But we haven’t planned anything yet.
My kitchen projects will depend on what’s available at the farmer’s market and what we get from our garden. So I’ll fill those in as the week goes on. I started freezing beans from our garden last week. I assume that will continue. Hopefully we can still get an ok amount even though there is a deer that is eating half of our garden. I’ll probably make a cherry pie with the tart cherries and freeze some of them. If there are good blueberries I’ll freeze a bunch of those. And I should make some more of my safe snacks to have on hand. I’m almost out. I made 3 batches of ice cream last week, so I can probably skip that this week. But we’ll see. I’ve been eating a lot of ice cream too 😛

As for my health, things are kind of changing. You’ll notice I don’t have a rotational menu this week. I’ve decided to stop sticking to a strict rotation…well, I haven’t really been sticking to it for a while now. I just couldn’t last month since I could hardly eat anything at all. As my appetite is returning I’m still trying to get variety and not eat the same things day after day. But I’m also just listening to my body.
I seem to be doing ok with small amounts of eggs. Maybe next month I’ll try eating whole eggs once in a while.
In terms of what direction I’m headed my focus right now is to heal my body. I’m trying to fully recover from years of disordered eating. Which means I need to eat…and eat…and eat 😛 No big rules. Just eat. I stumbled upon this awesome website Your Eatopia the other day. And it is just what I needed! I especially like this post about the phases of recovery. Sounds fun, huh? Not. But it needs to happen. I’ve already gained weight. I have a belly/spare tire that doesn’t want to budge. Most of my clothes don’t fit. But…I want to be healthy. So I’m going to do it. Just eat. (I need to learn from my son how to really enjoy food :P)

I know I’ve actually already made a lot of progress over the last year by nourishing my metabolism. My temps are back in the 98s. My skin, hair and nails are great. I sleep a lot more. Lots of little things that are already improved. But I need to keep going. I need to get my whole body in balance. I am not going to obsess over it like usual. So I won’t be giving weekly updates. But I will mention things from time to time if I notice good progress.
I am hoping to soon start some updates to the look of the blog. I got a couple big writing assignments done last week so I can focus a bit more on my blog this week.
So here’s what’s on the menu. Lots of good food. I’m ready to dig in! Eet Smakelijk! (Dutch for enjoy your meal)
S (church, prep smoothies)
B – waffles (J), gm yogurt, soaked grahams, grapes (M), toast w/ pb, gummies (R/A)
L – spaghetti, corn
D – hashbrown egg bake w/ bacon, roasted cauliflower, fruit
M (bake gf zucchini bread, soccer, WMB)
B – smoothie, zucchini bread
D – out to eat OR mac ‘n’ cheese, beans, fruit leftover egg casserole, peas, zucchini bread
T (make zucchini bread, soak flour, library, FM, pick up cherries, soccer, make amaranth bars)
B – smoothie zucchini bread (J/A), fried duck egg, zucchini bread, grapes (M), ice cream (R)
D – chicken nuggets, beans, rice
W (playdate, soccer, freeze cherries)
B – smoothie, zucchini bread
D – grilled bbq pork chops, rice, grilled zucchini or zucchini fries baked pork chops, peas, chips w/ salsa
Th (make gf pie crust, freeze beans, roast beets, skim cream, bake cherry pie, make cherry ice cream, make hot fudge, soccer, soak flour)
B – toast w/ pb, yogurt (J), gm yogurt, fruit (M), toast w/ ab (R/A)
D – grilled cheeseburgers, grilled zucchini, sweet potato fries
F (freeze zucchini, make gf zucchini bread, soak flour)
B – toast w/ pb, yogurt, fruit
D – salmon cakes, zucchini fries, cauliflower, fruit
S (make rice bars)
D – out to eat
I finally have a few minutes to read this. Hope Justin is done with the craziness of last week and that you were able to go to the WMB meetup. We are looking forward to seeing you guys in a little bit!