The end of August is always bittersweet. It’s sad to see summer go. But it’s exciting to start school and activities and see friends. On the whole the month ended better than it started. My body has gone through a lot of healing in the past few weeks.
There have been really good days. And really bad days. I guess a general theme for the month is bittersweet. And how fitting that I FINALLY finished reading the book Bittersweet that I got for Christmas. Here is a quick recap of how the month went and links from some fellow bloggers.

1. Writing – Brainstorm ideas for the Real Food and Health Nov/Dec issue (check!) and write for Grand Rapids Natural Living (check!).
2. Healing – I need to finally start taking an HCI supplement to help with digestion so I’m getting the most out of my food. – I have been doing this for a couple weeks now. I might start increasing my dose soon to see if I notice more improvements.
I am going to take a bold leap for me and try to start sleeping later some days. This will challenge my OCD big time! And could cause some pretty severe anxiety. But I won’t know unless I try. Until now I’ve been too scared to try. But I want to take that step. As much as I hate it it’s time for exposure therapy. It’s the only way I’m going to make the progress I need. – I started this process sleeping until 5/5:15. Now I’ve pushed myself to 6:45!! Truly amazing for me.
I want to start exercising regularly again. Which means I have to be sure I’m eating enough. So I will be checking calories once in a while to be sure I’m on track. Nothing obsessive. Just a check here and there. And listen to my body. – I’m still working on this. I’m still doing research to figure out if I should be exercising right now or wait until I have experienced more healing.

3. Food preservation – I need to keep working on beans and zucchini. I would also like to can peaches. And of course I’ll be baking up a storm as usual. – I froze lots of beans, zucchini and corn. I canned my first batch of spaghetti sauce.
4. Mommy-Daughter date – Rebecca and I will be getting our yearly before school hair cuts. – today!
5. Husband-Wife date – Justin and I will be going out to celebrate our anniversary (finally) and go to an event with other couples from church. – fun, fun!!
6. Acceptance – This is a big one for me right now. I guess it has been the whole year…which is why God laid it on my heart to focus on this. I’m learning to accept loss. I’m learning to accept change. I’m learning to accept a time of waiting. I’m learning to accept where I’m at each day. I’m learning to accept my physical body. I’m learning to accept who God made me to be. I’m learning to accept that I’m not in control. – This is a work in progress. But I’ve definitely done a lot of accepting this month.
Make your kids’ breakfasts or lunches a bit more fun by making their hard boiled eggs into shapes!
Ever made your own vanilla extract? It’s actually quite simple!
I’ve heard great things about the book Seven. Here is a look back at one woman’s journey through the book. Not sure I could do it! But it would be a great experiment with minimalism.
This is an interesting read on the dangers of peanut butter. Really makes you think twice about giving it to your family.
Mmmm. This overnight blueberry french toast sure sounds good!
Yes, chocolate can be healthy!! (and it’s why I drink my hot cocoa pretty much every day 🙂
Ever wonder what causes hypothyroidism? Here is some great information.
Easy Pink Lemonade
Soaked Gluten Free Chocolate Zucchini Cupcakes
Soaked Gluten Free Blueberry Pie