Are you a blogger? Do you have kids? Do they know what you do?
I admit, I don’t really talk about blogging to my kids. My daughter is old enough to understand that I am a writer. But I don’t go into more detail than that. After all, it’s partly just a hobby (though it sure would be nice if it turned into more than that!). I never bothered to explain to my kids what my “job” really is.
I periodically get together with fellow bloggers in my area. We share ideas and ask questions. At our last meeting one of the women brought her book called “My Mommy Is A Blogger.” She graciously gave us each a copy.
I wasn’t quite sure what my kids would think when we read it. They thoroughly enjoyed it! I feel like they have a better understanding now of what I do. Just yesterday my son (almost 3 years old) asked if I was blogging when he got up in the morning.
Of course my kids think the best part of the book is right at the beginning where the child tells her friends that her mommy is a booger. There are plenty of other comical parts to the book as well.
If you are a blogger and have kids I highly recommend “My Mommy is a Blogger” by Sommer Poquette. It is cute and funny and will help explain what it is that you do and why you do it. Even as an adult that blogs I enjoyed it!
I also love to help support other mommy bloggers. It’s a tough job.