Birthday week is finally here. I’m feeling a little better about it since I got so much done yesterday. I’m not sure my body was too happy. But at least this week shouldn’t be too stressful.
This will be a pretty normal week for us. I have to pick up milk (we’re back to 3 gallons a week!!!). I have to go grocery shopping. I have to get the rest of the stuff ready for the party, clean and be ready to host overnight guests.
My goal for today is to make the decorations for my son’s birthday cake. Once I get that done the rest is pretty easy.
Last week we got to do a little wheat experiment with my son. Unfortunately it did not go well. I was amazed at how quickly his body reacted. It took a few days for the eczema to show up. But his behavioral reactions were almost instantaneous. The digestive upset didn’t take too long either. So he’ll continue to be off wheat for quite some time now. We’ll try again in the future. This week we will experiment with peas. He is very excited, so I hope it goes well. I’m thankful that so far eggs are going smoothly.
I re-read part of Beautiful Babies yesterday. It’s such a great book on nourishing your body for before, during and after pregnancy. It helped me get back on track with how well I should be eating to nourish my little one. So I started today with gf toast with lots of butter and jam, an egg fried in butter, grapes and a big mug of my hot chocolate with added gelatin and coconut oil. I can already feel my legs on the verge of starting to swell. I want to see if I can prevent it this time by combining adequate protein intake with sufficient calories to absorb it.
I’m planning easy meals this week so I have enough time and energy to focus on party prep. My mind is drawing a blank right now about what to serve when family arrives on Friday. I’ll have to fill it in later.
By the end of the week I’ll have a six-year old and a three-year old. My babies are growing up way too quickly! Enjoy your week. Eet smakelijk!
S (church, make cake decorations)
L – grilled steak, sauteed cauliflower and brussels sprouts, seasoned rice
D – mac ‘n’ cheese, fruit salad, lettuce salad
M (milk, soak flour, make graham crackers)
D – fried chicken, beans, quinoa
T (AKM, bake brownies, RKM)
D – (prep ahead) – cp meatloaf, baked potatoes, broccoli
W (groceries, clean kitchen)
D – chicken nuggets, peas, tater tots
Th (roast beets, make salad dressing, make muffins, dance, clean)
D – (early) – cp split pea soup, gf df muffins
F (make frosting, crumb coat/frost cakes, make hummus, make lemonade, boil eggs)
D – (easy) – squash and sausage soup, bread, muffins, apple slices
dessert – gf df brownies, chocolate grahams, fruit
S (prep fruits and veggies, decorate cake, party)
B – banana bread, fruit, hard boiled eggs
L – (party) – fruit kabobs, lettuce salad w/ cucumber, olives, cranberries, cheese, beets, mushrooms, croutons and dressing, sloppy joes on buns, hummus w/ pita, carrots, cauliflower, cucumbers and peppers, tortilla chips w/ salsa, yogurt parfaits w/ granola and berries, potato chips or popcorn, homemade gummies, homemade chocolates, gf df white cake w/ chocolate frosting, yellow cake w/ chocolate frosting, dairy ice cream, coconut milk ice cream, milk, water, pink lemonade
D – grilled brats and hot dogs, grilled asparagus, fruit salad, misc. leftovers