This week’s allergen friendly meal plan and agenda is about catching up after a busy week and focusing on Thanksgiving.
Well, hello winter (weather)! Brrr. I think it was about two weeks ago that I sent my son to school in shorts. Yesterday my kids were outside making snowmen!
Of course now all my kids can talk about is Christmas. My son keeps asking why we haven’t gotten our Christmas tree yet.
But this week is about Thanksgiving!
And rest. Plenty of rest.
Last week was so busy with my husband gone from morning until night every day. I am looking forward to taking it easy today.
Simple meals. No big kitchen projects. And hopefully a nap.
Of course there is still plenty going on during the week. My oldest gets her new mouth appliance! We are on to phase two of this three year mouth expansion/reshaping process. She gets it the day before Thanksgiving. I hope her mouth isn’t too sore to eat!
In the kitchen.
I think I am finally going to finish my fall food preservation this week. I have a few squash and apples left. Then I am DONE! That is always a good feeling.
My kitchen to-do list includes:
- sourdough muffins
- gluten free muffins
- bars (new recipe)
- sourdough bread
- make/can applesauce
- apple pie
- pumpkin pie
- bake/freeze squash
If time allows maybe I’ll try to do some cookie baking with the kids, too.
I’m trying to get my kids in the kitchen more often. We are previewing the Kids Cook Real Food course from Kitchen Stewardship. My kids are having so much fun!
Yesterday my oldest worked on her sharp knife skills. I’m anxious to see what they’ll be learning this week.
My goal is to have my oldest two learn new skills and help with meal prep on Saturdays.
What we’re eating.
I’m still working on my Thanksgiving menu. Which is stressful for this type A planner. But our plans are still uncertain. So I’m not sure when we’ll be out and when we’ll be home and how much time I’ll have to cook.
I also have to decide if I want to retry turkey with my youngest or just skip it for us this year.
On the blog.
In case you missed it last week I was at Kitchen Stewardship talking about Why I Stopped Eating Gluten Free (head over there and chime in on the conversation!). I also continued to share more of our story in my post about whether or not HTMA really works.
Here is this week’s allergen friendly meal plan.
I hope you have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. Enjoy some delicious, real food! And don’t forget to make lots of turkey broth.
ROTATION: Each day starts with dinner and goes through lunch the next day.
Day 1: sourdough, squash, peas?, cabbage
Day 2: corn, spinach, grapes, cauliflower, brussels sprouts
Day 3: teff, eggplant, zucchini, blueberries, asparagus, sunbutter
Day 4: pumpkin, mushrooms, lettuce, cucumber, broccoli, cherries, olives, chickpeas, split peas
Sunday 1
B – cereal, fruit | salad with sauteed mushrooms and eggplant
L – split pea soup, cheesy garlic bread, crackers w/ cheese
D – grilled ham and cheese, roasted cabbage, chips, pear slices | squash, cabbage, anchovies
prep: make sourdough bread, prep yogurt
notes: let kids help make dinner
Monday 2
B – yogurt, granola, fruit | squash, cabbage, anchovies
D – taco bowls, spinach
prep: soak flour for muffins
notes: prep ahead
Tuesday 3
B – hot cereal | broth, spinach, taco meat
D – cp hobo dinners
prep: sprout beans, bake gf muffins, bake sd muffins, soak teff
notes: ready any time
Wednesday 4
B – muffins, yogurt | teff porridge w/ cherries, liver
D – creamy broccoli soup, muffins
prep: bake squash, make apple pie, make pumpkin pie
Thursday 1
B – toast w/ sunbutter, fruit | leftover soup, muffins
D – turkey, mashed potatoes w/ gravy, squash, beans, applesauce
prep: make broth, make sd bread
notes: Thanksgiving, family?
Friday 2
B – scrambled eggs, toast | squash, muffins
D – turkey in gravy, potato cakes, roasted cauliflower and brussels sprouts
prep: make/can applesauce, soak flour for pancakes (2 kinds)
notes: leftovers!
Saturday 3
B – yogurt parfaits | broth, spinach, cauliflower, brussels sprouts
D – zucchini pancakes w/ apple cinnamon topping, roasted asparagus, bacon
prep: kids prep apple topping and asparagus, oldest flips pancakes, make bars
notes: kids help