Have you ever wondered why so many real food bloggers have sick kids? Allergies, autism, asthma, eczema…what’s the deal?
When it comes to seeking health advice we all go online. We may not trust everything we read. We may ask a doctor’s advice too. But we all do it.
We do a search on our good friend Google. We come up with various medical sites and blogs. I do it all the time when my kids have a particular problem I need help with. It’s easy. It’s informative. It doesn’t cost money.
A view from the other side
But I also give the advice. And maybe that’s why you’re here reading this right now! I am a blogger myself. I share strategies for getting kids to eat well and for dealing with allergies.
But sometimes I wonder…why should anyone believe what I say? What makes me credible? Do I take stock in what other bloggers say?
I ask these questions for good reasons. There is a lot of incorrect information online. You can find twenty different opinions on just about anything.
But really I ask it because sometimes I feel like people don’t believe me. I advocate a real food lifestyle and promote healing strategies. But all three of my own children have health problems.
The thing is it’s not just me. So many real food bloggers have sick kids. By sick I mean any kind of health issue. Some well known bloggers have kids with autism, allergies, sensory conditions, leaky gut, ADD, skin conditions. The list goes on. So why should you trust them or listen to their advice? It’s a real concern.
But it might actually be a good thing. I’m sharing why real food bloggers have sick kids over at Kitchen Stewardship. Check it out!