We’re closing in on the end of September. What a crazy busy month! I think we’re starting to settle into routines a bit.
It’s hard to believe it’s time to start thinking about fall, Halloween and even ahead to Thanksgiving!
As usual we have something going on just about every day this week. So I’m keeping the meals and to-do’s simple.
This week I have my six week postpartum check up. I’m disappointed that I still haven’t lost more weight. I’m back to pre-pregnancy weight. But that’s all. I still have all of the extra weight I gained last year. And it doesn’t seem to want to budge. It’s been steady here for a few weeks. I thought by six weeks I’d be making more progress. I’m eating well and gradually exercising more. But instead of losing weight I’m still wearing maternity clothes. I thought with my thyroid working so well it would help the weight come off too. I guess not.
I’m still digging into material about diastasis recti and will be talking to my OB about it. Based on what I’ve learned so far I think I’ve probably had diastasis for a long time but had no idea. So there is a lot of work ahead to fix it. I love this post from Whole New Mom about a flat tummy. It gives some great basics.
I’m gradually modifying my diet to help my little one. All gassy vegetables are out. I’ve been eating only minimal dairy (mostly just butter). I’m still not sure about chocolate and eggs, but I’ve been really limiting those as well. I’m thankful it makes her much happier. But it’s definitely not easy for me. It’s only been a week and I already miss my ice cream. I think I’m going to have to start stealing some of my son’s coconut milk ice cream.
I’m still short on time and trying to get back into the swing of things with my writing. So bear with me while the posts are a little more infrequent. If you missed it, last week I posted my recipe for pancake muffins. Be sure to check back tomorrow for another delicious recipe.
My son has had a few rough days again behaviorally. That is usually a sign that something is bothering him. Since I know his diet hasn’t changed I was pretty sure it wasn’t food. But I may have figured out what it is. He may have a latex allergy…and he’s been playing with a balloon and putting it in his mouth the last few days. Latex allergies are related to some food allergies…the foods he’s allergic to. So we’ll see if he gets back to normal in a few days after getting rid of the balloon. And I’ll for sure be talking to the allergist about it when he has his next check up.
As you get ready for a new week be sure you plan some meals to keep you and your family eating nourishing food. Here’s what’s on our menu. What’s on yours?
L – grilled hamburgers, seasoned rice, peas
D – (separate) – leftover pizza
*make fruitsnacks
D – cp roast chicken, sweet potato fries, beans
*make gf bread, make granola bars?
D – (prep ahead) -cp pork chops, potatoes, carrots
*strain/freeze broth
D – (prep ahead) – chicken noodle soup, biscuits
*make biscuits
D – (early) – tacos, fruit
*make corn tortillas
D – french toast muffins, sausage, roasted cauliflower
*make muffins
D – grilled hot dogs, french fries, broccoli OR takeout