I recently made muesli for the first time. And it was really good! But my tummy doesn’t handle oats very well. So I can’t eat that. Then I came across this recipe on Gluten Free Diva for a grain free version of muesli. I tried it this morning. Awesome!! It’s basically the same ingredients I use for my grain free granola, except you don’t add fat/sugar and bake it. So it’s super easy to make. Only takes a few minutes. Plus this uses fresh fruit. You can add whatever you like to this recipe…as long as it’s not grains 🙂 And you can make a big batch to have on hand and just add fresh fruit when you eat it. It will freeze very well. This is a great option for quick breakfasts, summer breakfasts (when you don’t want anything hot) or if you’re a long time cereal lover (like me:) but don’t want to eat that junk anymore. This was the closest thing I’ve had to a bowl of cereal in a LONG time (I think I might be going on a year now!). What a treat! And I don’t have to worry about it killing my stomach. Love it. I didn’t actually measure anything. I just added what looked good. Adjust to your taste. I’ll post the original recipe (for 1 serving) with some of my adjustments in ().

Grain Free Muesli
3 strips of dried banana AND/OR 3 – 6 chopped dates (I used prunes)
one small handful dark raisins (I used golden raisins)
7 raw almonds, chopped (I used a combo of crispy almonds, crispy pecans and crispy walnuts)
7 raw pecan halves, chopped
handful raw sunflower seeds (not roasted or salted) (I used crispy pumpkin seeds)
1 – 2 tablespoons grated unsweeted coconut
one chopped apple (I gave Justin some apple chunks in his. I left them out of mine.)
about 6 – 8 blackberries or the berry of your choice (I used strawberries. Blueberries would be very good…great option in the summer.)

Mix all ingredients (except fresh fruit). Store in a closed container (freeze for long term storage or keep at room temp for shorter term). When ready to serve mix in fresh fruit. Top with milk or stir into yogurt.
This looks good and easy. I don’t miss cereal at all, but Kevin and Carson like it. And Kevin gets tired of just normal granola as cereal. I will have to try this sometime.