Welcome to March! If you’re like me you’re dreaming about spring. It looks like our weather is finally trying to improve. We might see temperatures in the 30’s this week!
Last week was pretty exhausting and draining for me as my little one has been struggling with nursing and tummy issues. We’re pretty sure it’s due to a tongue and lip tie. So we’re doing our best to manage until we get to a doctor to have it checked and hopefully dealt with.
We also started a bit of solids for my little one. We have to stick to purees for now because of the tongue tie. She seems to enjoy them. But she is also having a harder time with digestion.
I hope this week is a little better. We’ve got plenty going on so we can’t just stay home and try to nurse around the clock to keep her nourished and hydrated.
My son has had a few rough days as well. So for this week I’m cutting out yogurt and seeing how it goes.
Last week I put a few too many projects on my list. This week I’m trying to scale back a little. Especially today. I’m trying to take it easy on Sunday. Hopefully I can even get a nap today since I’ve pretty much been up since 2:45 trying to nurse my baby (who either cries or clenches her lips shut even though I can hear her tummy growling).
As of right now my kitchen projects include coconut milk, oat milk, oatmeal, cupcakes, waffles, sourdough bread, gluten free bread (with no flax), tortillas, corn bread, sourdough pizza crust and water kefir.
My daughter chose waffles for the kids’ choice Saturday breakfast. Waffles aren’t my favorite thing to make for sure. It’s not my style to cook a food that is made one at a time when trying to cook for and take care of a family. I’m all about efficiency. But I told her she got to choose. So Saturday will be waffle day.
Last week I posted my last basic grain and a recipe for delicious frosting. This week I’m starting a simple soaked series. I’ve got some delicious and easy recipes coming!
Now for the menu. Here is what we’re eating this week. What’s on your menu?
B – yogurt, granola, fruit
L – cp pork chops, baked sweet potato, peas
D – hot dogs, chips, roasted cauliflower and cabbage
*make coconut milk, soak flour for tortillas, soak oats for oatmeal and milk
B – oatmeal
D – tacos
*make oatmeal, soak beans, soak flour for corn bread, make tortillas, boil eggs, make oat milk, make kefir
B – hard boiled egg, toast
D (prep ahead) – cp chili, corn free corn bread (modified to be gf df)
*make corn bread, soak flour for gf bread
B – yogurt, granola, fruit
D (prep ahead) – TBD casserole, bread, applesauce
*feed sd starter, make gf bread
B – english muffin w/ pb, fruit
D – cp roast chicken, roasted potatoes, carrots
*make sd bread, make broth, soak flour for cupcakes
B – granola bar, fruit, scrambled eggs
D – sd french toast, sausage, roasted veggies, fruit
*soak flour for waffles, feed sd starter, make cupcakes
B – waffles w/ syrup, fruit
D – sd pizza with sausage and olives
*make waffles, make sd pizza crust, make pizza sauce, make kefir